NYS Center of Excellence - "Healthy Water Solutions" Logo with a blue drop of water and 2 swooshes in dark green and blue that look like flowing water
RFP IDRFP 2023-05-10
RFP Name

CoE Healthy Water Solutions 2023-2-24

RFP Description

The vision of the New York State Center of Excellence in Healthy Water Solutions at Clarkson University
and SUNY ESF (CoE) is to ensure a healthy and sustainable future through the protection and
conservation of water resources. Our mission is to generate solutions that help protect and improve
waters for sustainable natural environments, healthy populations, resilient communities and sound

A key requirement for the CoE is to demonstrate an ability to support economic development in New
York State. The CoE is growing a portfolio of projects that demonstrate the benefits of the CoE to the
state in terms of answering critical water science questions while boosting employment, workforce
training, or developing new technologies that can be commercialized.

Application TemplateApplication
Application Pagepantheonsite.io
Application TypeSeed, Education and Outreach, Commercialization
Fund Source 1 NameNYSTAR
Fund Source 1 Account123
Fund Source 1 Amount$100.00
Fund Source 2 NameESF
Fund Source 2 Account345
Fund Source 2 Amount$100.00
Minimum Award Amount$50,000.00
Maximum Award Amount$150,000.00
Match Required?Yes
Match Percentage Required10
Any Match Restrictions?no equipment
RFP Opening Date05/10/2023
RFP Closing Date05/31/2023
RFP Guidelines Documentation20230531-RFP_CoE-HealthyWaterSolutions.pdf
Report 1 TemplateDecember Progress Report
Report 2 TemplateInventions Report
Report 3 TemplateJune Progress Report
Report 4 TemplateEconomic Impact Form