RFP ID | RFP-20250501 |
RFP Name | Project Proposals from Clarkson and ESF Faculty |
RFP Description | The vision of the New York State Center of Excellence in Healthy Water Solutions at Clarkson University and SUNY ESF (CoE) is to ensure a healthy and sustainable future through the protection and conservation of water resources. Our mission is to generate solutions that help protect and improve waters for sustainable natural environments, healthy populations, resilient communities and sound economies. A key requirement for the CoE is to demonstrate an ability to support economic development in New York State. The CoE is growing a portfolio of projects that demonstrate the benefits of the CoE to the state in terms of answering critical water science questions while boosting employment, workforce training, or developing new technologies that can be commercialized. Through this Request for Proposals (hereinafter referred to as “RFP”) process and funding, Clarkson and ESF faculty, staff, and students seek to strengthen existing partnerships and forge new collaborations with private industry, consultants/engineers, water districts, K-12 schools, colleges and universities, government agencies, policy-makers, and local stakeholders. To meet these goals, the CoE is seeking concise proposals from Clarkson and ESF faculty for funding in the categories outlined in this Request for Proposals.
Application Template | RFP Template |
Application Page | pantheonsite.io |
Application Type | Seed, Commercialization, Education and Outreach |
Fund Source 1 Name | NYSTAR |
Fund Source 1 Account | NYSTAR-C190175 |
Fund Source 1 Amount | $1,000,000.00 |
Fund Source 3 Account | Papa2 |
Match Required? | Yes |
Match Percentage Required | 100 |
Any Match Restrictions? | Matching funds must be equal to or greater than the funding request. View the "Matching Funds" section in the RFP document for full details on what can be included as a match. |
RFP Opening Date | 07/12/2024 |
RFP Closing Date | 06/14/2025 |
RFP Guidelines Documentation | DRAFT_-RFP-20250000-CoE-HWS.docx-1.pdf |
Report 1 Template | December Progress Report |
Report 2 Template | June Progress Report |
Report 3 Template | Inventions Report |
Report 4 Template | Economic Impact Form 2 |
Status | Published |